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Public Offices Have No Duty to Create Public Records

In the case of State ex rel. Barr v. Wesson, Slip Opinion No. 2023-Ohio-3080, the Ohio Supreme Court held that the warden’s assistant did not have to create a public record when the warden’s assistant did not respond to the inmate’s request for specific public records and later claimed that such records did not exist […]

Claimants Need More Than Conclusory Allegations to Prove Reckless or Willful and Wanton Misconduct: Immunity Remains When Officers Use Appropriate Care in Following Suspect

In the case of Jones v. Soto, 2023-Ohio-3107, an appellate court reversed a trial court’s denial of summary judgment, finding instead that police officers were statutorily immune pursuant to R.C. 2744.03 for injuries to passengers in a motor vehicle collision which occurred during the officer’s pursuit of a criminal suspect. According to the defendants, the […]

Ohio Supreme Court Reaffirms Prison-Kite Logs are Public Records

In the case of State ex rel. Barr v. Wesson, Slip Opinion No. 2023-Ohio-3028, the Ohio Supreme Court held that  in an inmate’s mandamus action regarding a public record request, (1) the inmate was permitted to obtain records of the inmate’s prison-kite logs, (2) the prison must produce the emails that were requested or certify […]