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Requesting Ten Documents Still Constitutes One Request

In the case of State ex rel. Ware v. Parikh, Slip Opinion No. 2023-Ohio-2536, the Ohio Supreme Court held that the requestor was entitled to one instance of statutory damages when the requestor enclosed ten related record requests in one certified-mail envelope and sent the requests to the public office. In this case, the requestor […]

City Not Liable for Damage in an Unlawful Pass

In the case of Hines v. City of Cleveland, 2023-Ohio-2488, an appellate court held that the civilian did not have a negligence claim against the city-operated garbage truck driver when the driver lawfully conducted a wide right turn and the civilian unlawfully attempted to pass the truck driver. In this case, the civilian argued that […]

Exempted Individuals Lack Standing to Sue for Vaccination Mandates

In the case of Martin v. Ohio Univ., 2023-Ohio-2511, an appellate court held that the students and employee could not sue the university for the university’s COVID-19 vaccination mandates when the students and employee had been given an exemption to the vaccination mandates. In this case, the students and employee argued that the COVID-19 vaccination […]

Plaintiffs Must Show Evidence of An Improper Executive Session

In the case of Look Ahead Am. v. Stark Cty. Bd. of Elections, 2023-Ohio-2494, an appellate court held that the board properly went into executive session when the board had to discuss whether to recommend a purchase to another public body and the board only discussed matters related to the motions to enter into executive […]

Claims That a Person Embezzles and Steals Are Defamatory

In the case of Holtrey v. Wiedeman, 2023-Ohio-2440, an appellate court held that the community member was liable for defamation when the community member made several false statements incriminating a prospective hire in an embezzlement scheme that resulted in the prospective hire not being recruited as a head coach at a local high school. In […]